Online Personal Training For Women


Hey Girl!

If you’re reading this page, there’s a good chance you want to come under my wing and let me coach you into the best shape of your life.

Well congratulations. You’re in the right place to make this happen.

Over last 13 years I’ve helped 100s of women transform their bodies, get stronger and rebuild their body confidence.

No matter how guilty you feel right now I want to help!

You’re about to set up all the right conditions to transform your body and mindset into something you’ve dreamed of for a long time.

All you need to do is fill in the application form below, book in for a quick discovery call and we’ll mutually agree whether my coaching program is right for you.

Look forward to chatting

Darren Wilson



Women who want to fall back in love with their bodies.


Women who want to grow their confidence and energy levels.


Ambitious women who understand the value of accountability and professional coaching.



Women who don’t commit and see things through


Women who think they know it all and aren’t coachable


Women who are happy with being avarage.

Here’s What My Clients Are Saying….

“I really enjoy training with Darren, along with a positive mindset i have seen great results in the last few years with his training and nutrition help”

Stacey Amber Ward (Office worker)

“Since following Darren’s advice I finally started losing body fat and seeing results after a never-ending stall! I’m so happy and its great knowing you have someone just a phone call away to make you”

Leanne (Designer )

The training is great both physically and mentally. It has helped me maintain and further advance my fitness in ways i thought i never could. The challenge has also helped me get into running which I’ve always struggled with previously. Mentally it’s a great way to push yourself and show yourself just what you can do when you really try. Some days were a struggle with everyday life, work etc but as long as your dedicated there is always a way. Your progression over the weeks will help drive you forward. Darren has been a great help with advice and help when needed. I feel so much better in myself, I’ve seen a huge difference in body shape, lost weight and inches from waist hips etc. I feel fitter, healthier and stronger. Dedication was needed but i did it and you can too. Believe in yourself anything is possible. “

*NOTE – Tracey done online training with me during the covid 19 out break during lock down and she was doing long shifts in a busy hospital and very little days off – she done amazing

Tracy (Nurse)



Step 1

Fill out the application form below. Then click submit.

Step 2

Once you’ve submitted your form I will contact you for a 20-30 min high performance coaching call.

Step 3

On the call we’ll assess where you are now versus where you want to be. I’ll take notes and put together a personal plan of action for you. If I can help you, I’ll give you the opportunity to come under my wing and join my coaching team. If I can’t help you, I’ll refer you to someone who can.

Yes. I Want To Transform My Body & Get In The Best Shape Of My Life!